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Songs About Halloween: A Music Monday Playlist

Written by Earth Networks Blog | Oct 30, 2017

Halloween Songs

There's nothing like a good list of songs about Halloween to really get you into the spooky spirit this time of year. This is especially true if you're not a big fan of scary movies of haunted house attractions. Halloween songs are perfect for any Halloween party, trick-or-treat pregame, or even as ambiance for your decorated home.

Between chilling piano notes to creepy synthesizers, Halloween songs are full of interesting instruments, terrifying themes, and nostalgic necromancers. That's why we've compiled a list of our 10 favorite songs about Halloween to help you get down with the witches and warlocks this Halloween.

Halloween Songs

Don't see your favorites? Make sure you check our Spotify playlist. Remember, if your favorite songs about Halloween aren't there to comment below so we can add them. The more scary songs the better!

1. Monster Mash

Do the mash this Halloween season!

2. Thriller

Who wouldn't put "Thriller" on their Halloween Song playlist?

3. Werewolves Of London

We hope you don't see any werewolves this Halloween.

4. Time Warp

You can't compile a list of songs about Halloween without including something from The Rocky Horror Picture Show, right?

5. Runnin' With The Devil

Here's another upbeat Halloween song about something you definitely wouldn't want to do this time of year: Run with the devil.

6. (Don't Fear) The Reaper

This song is helpful if you're near someone who decided to dress as a the Grim Reaper for Halloween. Just sing this song in your head and you'll be fine!

7. Halloween Theme

Anyone who has seen Carpenter's Halloween knows just how scary this song is. The scariest part about this movie is that you don't have to watch Jamie Lee Curtis get chased around to know how scary it is - The music does it for you.

8. Somebody's Watching Me

This time of year does make you feel like someone's watching you, doesn't it?

9. Ghostbusters

Who ya gonna call?

10. This Is Halloween

Danny Elfman's 1990's hit, The Nightmare Before Christmas is a weird combination of Halloween and Christmas that just seems to work. Here is the opening tune.

11. Stranger Things Theme

How could we not add a number 11 to our list for the theme of Stranger Things? Remember - No spoilers in the comments for Stranger Things 2!

What's On Your Playlist?

We want to know: What's on your Halloween playlist? Add your favorite Halloween songs in the comments section below so we can add them to our Spotify playlist. Have a spooky and safe Halloween, everyone and don't forget to play some fun songs about Halloween all day long!

Tired of Halloween songs? Take a look at our playlist of songs about autumn instead.