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5 Fun Activities to do on the Longest Day of the Year


First Day of Summer

The longest day of the year is here - which means it's the first day of summer! There are plenty of songs about the long days of summer. It must be because those artists are doing the fun activities on our list! Extra sunshine means extra time to enjoy the outdoors in so many different ways. We've compiled a list of 5 fun activities for everyone to enjoy this summer.

5 Fun Activities for the Longest Day of the Year

1. Go Outside!

There are so many ways to get outside and enjoy the longest day of the year! If you're off or watching the kids, set out for a picnic at your local park. Your backyard works as well. Pack your favorite sandwich and healthy summer snacks like grapes, oranges, and carrot sticks.

While the longest day of the year takes place on a Wednesday this year, you should still find time to go outside! Even if you work, take your laptop outdoors just for a little to soak up some of that warm weather. According to a study from the Havard Business Journal, just 40 seconds of staring at nature can increase productivity by 6%. Don't be afraid to show your boss that study as you head outdoors. (You're welcome!)

Whatever you do outside, make sure you keep your eyes on the skies. Summer thunderstorms can pop up quickly and are dangerous before they get to you and after they seem like they've gone. Weather tracking tools will help you stay on top of developing weather situations.

2. Be a Kid

Summertime is the best time to bring out your inner kid. This is true even if you have kids yourself! If the weather permits, get yourself to a pool and soak up the rays. This is the day you have the most sunlight to soak up, after all.

While you're at the pool, why not indulge in some ice cream. Even if you can't make it to the pool, keep an ear out for the ice cream truck. Don't worry - No one's judging you for running after it today!

Do whatever makes you feel young. Before or after work, make yourself go on a nice run or walk outside. The start of summer is a great time to start a new workout routine. Just make sure you're careful if you're exerting yourself during the hottest hours of the day by keeping an eye on wet bulb globe temperature.

3. Use That Extra Time Wisely

Just how long is the longest day of the year? Northern cities like Chicago and New York see approximately 15 hours of sunlight on the longest day of the year. The lower latitudes tend to see a little bit shorter of a day, but the sun climbs higher in the sky. This is almost 6 hours longer than the winter solstice.

With all that extra daylight, you can really get to work on those things you've been putting off during the first half year. Take some time to reevaluate your New Year's resolutions. Maybe you missed spring cleaning and need to catch up. And maybe being productive is taking some time to yourself to meditate and focus on wellness. Whatever you need more time to do, take some time today to get it done!

4. Catch Fireflies/Lightning Bugs

After dinner is the perfect time to head back outside to catch some fireflies. Right before the sun sets, these fun summer insects will normally make an appearance. This is the perfect activity for the longest day of the year because summer is the only season when these little bugs are around! What else didn't you know about these captivating little creatures?

  • They are technically beetles, not flies
  • There are over 2,00 species of lightning bugs, but only a few of them light up
  • The light
  • Their numbers are declining thanks to a combination of light pollution, pesticide use, and habitat destruction


Help keep these bugs around. Make sure you're careful when you catch them and always let them go!

5. Watch the Sunset & Stay up Late!

The longest day of the year makes for a compelling argument for kids to stay up past their bedtimes and watch the sunset. It might be a great day to find a beautiful spot to watch the sunset as well. Bays, oceans, lakes, mountains, deserts, and plains are some great locations to see beautiful sunsets. Bring a camera and some jars to catch lightning bugs in to make the most of your evening.

After you've enjoyed the longest day of the year, keep the party going by staying up a little bit later than normal. You're already out longer than normal so live a little!

What Are Your Plans?

What are your plans for the longest day of the year? Let us know in the comments below and stay safe from any severe weather that might be in your area.