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3 Amazing Things Airport Lightning Detection Can Do For You


An airplane at the terminal with ground crew loading baggage

An airport is a busy place to work. Every day, hundreds of employees with different responsibilities go to work at these intricate work spaces. Most of the time, traffic flows, passenger processing is routine, and aircraft take off and land as planned. However, things can go wrong. Emergencies at airports are scary, but airport employees know they are part of the job. One of the most common airport emergencies is severe weather.

Airport severe weather emergencies require an immediate and coordinated response. Airport lightning detection is one way to achieve this desired response. Since total lightning helps weather tracking systems predict dangerous weather conditions, like hail and microbursts, it has a lot of different benefits for airlines and airports alike.

3 Benefits of Airport Lightning Detection

Let’s take a look at 3 important benefits of airport lightning detection.

1. Improved Safety

Ground crew taxi-ing an airplane

The first thing a total lightning detection system can do for airports is improving safety. While planes and buildings protect some crew members, ground crew members do not have a defense. On a flat, open tarmac, these crew members are at risk for lightning strikes. High winds and hail can also cause bodily injury to individuals working on loading baggage, cleaning the runways, and more.

Ground crews are integral members of any airline, so it’s imperative to protect them from severe weather. Severe weather tracking systems that incorporate lightning detection are the best way to monitor incoming storms and protect personnel. By having someone inside monitor storms, they can quickly communicate with ground personnel to alert them of incoming dangerous conditions like lightning, hail, and high winds.

2. Improved Operational Efficiency

Two airplanes in the sky: One flying away from the camera and one flying towards

The second benefit is improved operational efficiency. Inclement weather can make airport operations incredibly dangerous. However, false alarms during changing storms can hurt your bottom line. By using a total lightning detection system, your airline can ensure operational continuity.

A clear outdoor lightning alert system lets everyone in the vicinity know it is too dangerous to carry on business as usual. It also lets everyone know the second it is safe to resume. That means the least amount of downtime for your airline.

3. Monetary Savings

An airport arrival/departure board

The last benefit of airport lightning detection systems is the ability to save you money. By relying on real-time weather data, your airline can not only improve business continuity but save money as well. When planes are down, your airlines are losing money. By optimizing your operations around the weather, you can decrease downtime and know the moment it’s safe to take off and land again. That way you can get more flights in safely and avoid dangerous and costly weather incidents.

Learn More About Airport Lightning Detection

When severe weather threatens airports, lightning detection is the way to go for three reasons:

  1. It protects employees
  2. It improves operational efficiency
  3. It saves you money

It’s important to remember that this is true only of lightning detection systems, not lightning prediction systems.

Lightning prediction systems are different than lightning detection systems. They don’t actually detect and pinpoint lightning strikes and incoming storms. Instead, they “predict” lightning, which is just a fancy way of saying they aren’t reliable enough to protect your people, your assets, and your wallet.

You can learn about all the ways lightning detection is superior for aviation operations over lightning prediction by reading our detailed report. Click the link below to get started.

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