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Dangerous Precipitation in Ukraine

Aug 09, 2016 Blog . Europe . Global Severe Weather


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Severe thunderstorms containing heavy rain and large hail pounded the Kharkov region of Ukraine during the evening hours of 29 July 2016.  Heavy rains flooded roadways and made travel almost impossible for a few hours in some areas of the region. The Department of Infrastructure of the K har kov City Council reported that trolley buses we re unreachable during the flooding.  
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The Hydro-meteorology Centers of Tatianan and Mysina recorded over 200mm of rain during a half hour period and hail measuring 16mm. The Earth Networks Total Lightning Network™ detected 29,241 lightning strikes during a 12-hour period on Friday night.   

[video width="854" height="480" mp4="http://globalsevereweather.earthnetworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Ukraine.mp4"][/video]

In the time-lapse video above, you can see that a lot of the lightning strikes are purple. These purple strikes represent in-cloud lightning strikes. These bolts don’t touch the ground; however, they serve as a reliable indicator of other forms of severe weather, like the large pieces of hail that fell from the sky. 

Luckily, there were no injuries reported during the storm.