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Earth Networks and WeatherSTEM at St. Joseph's College

May 03, 2017 Blog . Education


Earth Networks and WeatherSTEM at St. Joseph's College

[video width="854" height="480" mp4="https://www.earthnetworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/weatherstem-news.mp4"][/video]

St. Joseph's College is one of the newest locations added to the Earth Networks and WeatherSTEM network of weather stations. Hooked up to Earth Networks' weather and lightning networks, WeatherSTEM stations allow schools to access critical weather data 24-7. St. Joseph's College president, Dr. James Dlugos, told WMTW news: "We're just fortunate that we're able to have this weather system on campus and that we can share it with the folks in Maine."

Data for Research

One of the goals the weather station is helping St. Joseph's College achieve is familiarizing science students with the technology. Students can play with the weather sensors, explore the expansive data and complete research projects. These stations aren't just good for college level students. WeatherSTEM actually comes with detailed weather curriculum for students of all ages. STEM education is an important focus area for elementary and secondary students alike.

These stations aren't just good for college level students. WeatherSTEM actually comes with detailed weather curriculum for students of all ages. STEM education is an important focus area for elementary and secondary students alike. The weather station helps make meteorology lessons interesting by showing the real-world application.

Data for Safety

The weather station's data not only helps students learn, but it keeps them safe as well. As St. Joseph's College learned, a weather station powered by Earth Networks is great for both instruction and safety. Student athletes can use the weather data to plan for upcoming games. Used in conjunction with Sferic Maps or an Outdoor Alerting System, a school weather sensor can keep students safe with custom lighting and advanced storm alerts.

In fact, the entire county of Broward, Florida uses Earth Networks alerting solutions to protect students, staff and residents from severe weather. Fort Lauderdale weather is very active all year long with thunderstorms, tornadoes and hurricanes. This bad weather combined with the fact that Broward County is the nation's sixth largest school district heightens the risk of weather-related emergencies involving students. Alerts from Earth Networks enable Broward Country to ensure student safety during school hours, dismissals and after school activities.

Learn More

Earth Networks and WeatherSTEM teamed up in early 2017 to prioritize both school research/curriculum and safety throughout the U.S. By working together with Earth Networks, WeatherSTEM schools are able to access the world's largest hyperlocal, real-time weather network as well as their advanced total lightning network. To learn more about the partnership between Earth Networks and WeatherSTEM, read the program press release. Contact us today to learn how WeatherSTEM can improve safety and research at your campus or join us for our free WeatherSTEM webinar.